In a financial institution, employee theft is always a concern and that risk is amplified by the current state of the economy. Normally honest employees may resort to theft if they are facing tremendous financial burdens at home. Employees may also be motivated to steal if they were given extra responsibilities after others were terminated without an increase in compensation. It is important that you recognize this risk so that you can take action to prevent it.
Of course, with employees handling financial transactions, there is always a concern for embezzlement. However, a growing problem among financial institutions is employees taking advantage of their access to sensitive customer information. While the ideal solution would be to limit access to that information to as few employees as possible, this is often impractical while also striving to deliver the best customer service possible. In addition, employees with access to the internet may use company time to handle personal business or surf the web, which is known as time theft.
Tips to Prevent Theft
To curb theft at your organization, consider the following safeguards:
To learn more about Embezzlement Insurance, contact Financial Products and Services, Inc. at 615-244-5100 today.
211 Athens Way, Ste 100
Nashville, TN 37228
Financial Products & Services, Inc